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Rogers 5x14 COB Powertone Snare Drum
Snare of the Week: Vintage '70s Rogers 5x14 Power Tone (Chrome Over Brass)
Steve Maxwell Vintage Drums - Rogers 5x14" Snare Drum - 1960s Powertone COB
1971 Rogers PoewrTone 13-16-22 with 5 line COB 5x14 Dynasonic
Rogers Powertone Snare Drum Review
Rogers Powertone COB Snare Drum 5'x14" Fullerton Made
1970s Rogers 5x14 Powertone Snare Drum
Rogers 6.5x14 COB Powertone Snare Drum
Snare Drum Musings Ep. 02: 5x14 Rogers COB Powertone
Rogers Drums PowerTone Series Snare Drum - 5x14 Steel
5x14 Rogers Dyna-Sonic Snare - Mid '60's - The Drum Shop North Shore
Rogers Drums - The Evolution of a Powertone